Welcome to another round of "5 Fandom Friday," a writer's-block-busting initiative to build community among geeky female bloggers, spearheaded by The Nerdy Girlie and SuperSpaceChick.
"The basic idea of 5 Fandom Fridays is to write a weekly Friday blog post in the form of a top 5 list based on a predetermined topic. It'll give your readers a deeper insight into your fandoms and your blogging personality. It's a great way to avoid bloggers block and sleep well knowing that you have at least 4-5 planned posts for the month."
- STAR TREK: As mentioned in my GeekCrafts bio, I started on my geek path early, watching episodes of "Star Trek: The Original Series" with my dad. We would often watch episodes while eating dinner off TV trays, and I distinctly remember seeing "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn" in the theater during its original release. Fast forward to my college years, when I met my husband-to-be, a HUGE Trek fan, and I knew I'd found my perfect match. My affinity for Trek as a kid led nicely to my work on the Star Trek Craft Book.
- STAR WARS: I remember seeing "Star Wars" in the theater as well, and have a picture somewhere of my brother and I as kids, wearing matching Star Wars shirts with iron-on transfers we had done at the mall (anyone else remember that fad?). I was fascinated by the light saber fights and loved the fight scenes in space between the X-wings and TIE fighters.
- BATTLESTAR GALACTICA: I watched the original series on TV as a kid as well, and we played Battlestar on the playground during recess at school. I was always Boxey, and remember that a girl named Andrea was always Muffet, even though she didn't really want to be. Well, someone had to be, right? It took me a while to get into the BSG reboot, which I didn't watch when it aired, but my husband and I have watched it all the way through now, and have rewatched it multiple times. Love it now.
- SERENITY: Fast forward from childhood to 2005, when we first heard about this new space western movie, "Serenity." Except it wasn't actually new - it was based on a cancelled TV series called, "Firefly." Which we somehow missed entirely when it was actually airing on FOX in 2002-2003. So seeing "Serenity" definitely acted as a gateway to pretty much the entire Whedonverse, starting with "Firefly," on to Buffy, Dr. Horrible, and Dollhouse.
- TRUE BLOOD: My husband and I started watching the series on HBO, and I enjoyed it so much, I sought out the Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire book series by Charlaine Harris, upon which the TV series was based. I wound up reading the entire series of books, which is more than I can say of watching the TV series. By about the fifth season, I was done. But I really enjoyed the books for the most part, especially listening to the audio versions narrated by Johanna Parker - so much so that I sought out other books narrated by her, just to listen to her read to me some more.
I'd love to hear about your "gateway fandoms" - what experiences opened the door for you to geek out further? Share a comment below!
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Template 39 created by No Reimer Reason
Background: Call the Doctor paper 2 by Retro Diva, and Motifica Blue and Chalk by Basic Grey
Font: Final Frontier Old Style
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who's thought "maybe I'll go back and do some of the old 5 Fandom Fridays..." :) 'Cause I'm tempted!
Star Trek TOS was in re-runs when I was a child (late seventies) and I would watch it with my mom while we did sewing projects. It was a HUGE part of how I ended up geeky.
Posted by: Skye | 03/30/2015 at 07:45 AM
Skye, DO IT! :) The 5 Fandom Friday archives are a treasure trove of blog post starters!
ST:TOS was in reruns for me, too. What fun you watched with your mom, plus crafting! Geek-crafting as a kid - win-win! :)
Posted by: Angie | 03/30/2015 at 09:32 AM