Holy bazongas, does this sound coooooool! classes: shimelle laine: You Think You Know....
You Think You Know Me is not a class with a supply list, a set of instructions or a guide for creating something similar to many other participants.
You Think You Know Me is a class that pushes you to create something all your own, while offering inspiration from a range of artists with a variety of styles.
You Think You Know Me is about you.
You Think You Know Me has no right or wrong answers. But it does have a workbook.
You Think You Know Me can include lots of pictures, a few pictures, lots of words or a just a few words.
You Think You Know Me can be a 12×12 scrapbook, a smaller format album, a minibook, a handbound book, a journal or a three-dimensional keepsake.
You Think You Know Me has no deadlines and no stress.
Goosebump city! Who's joining me for this one??? ROCK ON, Sister Shimelle Across the Sea! I bow to your greatness!
TEASER: Shim emailed me about this class, and offered me a FREE SEAT to give away. Now I just need to figure out HOW to give it away -- some sort of contest or trivia or something -- AND how to make that happen with MemoryTrends in T-minus 6 days!! Ack!
Well, if there's a place going spare, please feel free to hurl it in my direction : )
Posted by: Rachel | 10/03/2006 at 04:32 PM
you could just send it my way! :D
Posted by: MelG | 10/03/2006 at 08:21 PM
I can't wait to here about the "contest."
Posted by: StephG | 10/03/2006 at 09:23 PM
StephG -- you and me both! My brain is so caught up with MemoryTrends prep, I haven't one creative idea left for a contest! And there's a bit of a time crunch with my upcoming trip.
Anyone have any ideas to help me give away this primo seat? Beyond "pick a number between 1 and 100..." It obviously can't be a layout-based thing; I don't have time to judge. Maybe something along the lines of posting a link to your favorite Book of Me layout, and I'll pick a random name from all entries? How does that sound? But it would have to be quick -- I'd have to pick a winner on Saturday (the 8th), because I leave on Sunday.
Posted by: Angie Pedersen | 10/03/2006 at 09:35 PM